Global Initiatives


Africa New Life

Africa New Life Ministries (ANLM) serves vulnerable children and their families and supports Christ-centered leadership in Rwanda. Their ministries include child sponsorship (meeting basic needs and providing education), church planting, the Africa College of Theology, a medical center, and community development programs.

Our Willamette and Hope City campuses participate in child sponsorship through our adoption of the Rwandan community of Nyamirama, and have committed to sponsoring 500 children there in the next 4 years. Join our efforts to ensure this community is thriving by 2025! Learn more about those efforts or sign up to sponsor a child below.

Learn about ANLM and the 500 in Four Campaign Sponsor a Child

At Africa New Life, we believe that access to education is the key to helping children break out of poverty. For that reason, educational sponsorship is the heart of our ministry. Today, more than 10,000 students are sponsored across Rwanda. Africa New Life has two top-priority goals for each student we work with: to help them complete high school or a vocational equivalent and to bring them into a loving relationship with and knowledge of Christ.

Sponsorship commitments help families by assisting them with school fees, which allows them to pay for other expenses. Sponsored students receive a school uniform and scholastic materials. They are encouraged to attend monthly Center Days, where they enjoy a meal, play games, and hear about Christ, as well as an annual Christian camp. Sponsorship additionally covers basic medical needs that fall outside of government-sponsored insurance, so sponsored students have a greater access to health care.

Sponsor a Child Today

Other Ways To Support Your Sponsor Child

  • Order a Gift – You have the opportunity to give high priority items to your sponsored student and their family through the ANLM Online Store.
  • Write a Letter – Write a letter of encouragement and prayer for your sponsored student.

Compassion International

Compassion International works with thousands of local churches around the world, and each church partner tailors their holistic child development model to the contextualized needs of the children in its community, to best deliver the whole-life care the children need.

They work primarily through child sponsorship, but also have specific initiatives to help babies and mothers, to develop future leaders, and to meet critical needs.

Our Beaverton campus participates in child sponsorship specifically within Cochabamba, Bolivia. Learn more about these efforts below.

Visit Compassion International's Website See Update from our church plant in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Through monthly financial support, prayer and letter writing, sponsors invest directly in the lives of children living in extreme poverty.

The children attend church-based child development centers where they receive life-changing opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach, and which build on, add to and extend their school lessons.

We dedicate a couple Sundays during our fall services to child sponsorship in Cochabamba, and are currently working with Compassion to provide you a direct link to sponsor kids from the region.

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New Generations

New Generations believes that the only way to complete the Great Commission is for ordinary people to multiply disciples in their natural networks of friends and family. But this does not happen without a catalyst and will never have ‘game changing’ impact unless it can scale to global proportions.

Therefore, New Generations exists to accelerate the completion of the Great Commission by empowering individuals and organizations around the world to unleash Disciple Making Movements that foster a lifestyle of personal discovery of God’s will in His Word, immediate obedience, and a consistent pattern of passing on what they are learning within their circles of influence.

Since New Generations began using the Disciple Making Movement strategy in 2005, they have had the privilege of partnering with God and indigenous leaders to catalyze over 60,000 churches with more than 1.5 million new disciples—many from places where the gospel had not sprouted or spread for over a century. However, “movements” of churches planting churches are their main measure of success. They define a “movement” as at least 100 new churches that have multiplied to the fourth generation or beyond. They are currently tracking over 115 new movements that God has birthed through their team of indigenous leaders!

Visit New Generations' Website Watch a Video About Their Approach

Global Partners

Beaverton Christian Church, Hope City Church, and Willamette Christian Church support both long-term work in other countries as well as those who wish to make a difference in the lives of others on a short-term basis. Below are the families we’re currently supporting. (Please note: For security reasons, some of our mission partners are not listed on our website.)


Lee & Cheryl Albaugh

Zambia & Central Africa • Nesteam International

Lee and Cheryl Albaugh have served in northern Zambia since the 1970’s. Their work began in church planting and discipleship, transitioning into partnership ministries. Two training centers were founded, providing ministry training, life skills for at-risk people, and health services. These centers serve national churches throughout Zambia and central Africa with our vision to see life change spiritually and physically.

Learn More About Nesteam
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Tony Cole

Tübingen, Germany • Christian Missionary Fellowship

Tony and his team foster community for University students in Tübingen, Germany. They create spaces where rich dialog, laughter, and food embody the welcome of God as they walk alongside students on the University campus. Whether it is over quiz nights, free meals, or small group gatherings, they actively pursue opportunities to connect students with lifelong faith in God, and serve as a bridge for the church to the larger University community.

Learn More
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Matthew & Chelsea Connor

Maluku, Indonesia • Wycliffe Bible Translators

Matt and Chelsea run a high school dorm in Papua, Indonesia for up to 12 students whose parents work in remote locations where there are no options for schooling. The parents of the teenagers in our dorm work as Bible translators, church planters, Scripture arts specialists, and jungle pilots. We also train and encourage songwriters, pastors, and counselors in Papua and throughout Indonesia to bring the light of God's Word into worship music, trauma healing, parenting, and alcohol recovery. Matt is currently working on a Ph.D. in World Arts in order to better train Indonesians in the work of Scripture Arts.

Tim Figgins

Tim & Vanesa Figgins

Argentina • Envoy Christian Mission

Envoy Christian Mission focuses on making disciples for Christ in Argentina. Whether through church services, small groups, radio programs, counseling, food delivery to those in need, or prayer — they aim to preach and model hope in Jesus Christ. When new believers accept the Lord, their work promotes growth in spiritual disciplines – prayer, reading, studying, and memorizing God’s Word. They want others to see how the life Jesus modeled is an abundant one.

Learn More

Global Vision Citadelle Ministries (GVCM)


GVCM is on a mission to bring the light and hope of Christ to the darkest parts of Haiti by building the Church, impacting communities, and supporting the children of Haiti. They have a network of 70 churches with 10,000+ people attending every week, 24 Christian schools with 7,000+ children attending, a clinic that treats about 1,000 patients a month, an orphanage with 120+ children, a 40-acre farm that helps provide food for the orphanage, and much more. Our goal is to build Haitians up by providing meaningful and life-changing work for themselves and their families, while building the church, impacting their communities, and supporting the children of Haiti. GVCM proudly employs over 200 Haitians to accomplish this work.

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Josh and Risa Hobson

TEAM - Intercultural Member Care Center • Portugal

Ministry can take a toll on those who serve Christ in other cultures. The Hobsons provide a comforting and caring place of refuge, where through training, counseling, and hospitality, God’s global workers and their families can journey together with Jesus to find rest. This retreat center offers on-site help to pastors and missionaries throughout Europe and North Africa so they do not have to return to their home countries. It enables them to maximize their investment and longevity on the field.


Joe & Carole Hoover

West Africa

We are making a difference in West Africa through our partners who have been collaborating with local leaders there as literacy and development consultants for 23 years. Under-resourced villages gain access to a lending library of life-changing literature in the local language. Then local solutions to local problems emerge and transformation begins, sometimes in amazing ways.

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Jeff & Sarah Jackson

Central Asia

The Jacksons are inspired to help people know, love, and follow Jesus by providing hope
through education for low resourced people. Existing solutions are not addressing the global
crisis in refugee education. There are over 73 million refugee children and only 48% are
enrolled in school. The displacement period, or the time refugees wait to be permanently
settled in a third country, is an average of 10-26 years. The Jacksons have assembled a
partnership of organizations to begin a hybrid school for refugees and other low-resourced
people across Central Asia. The school utilizes online instruction and in-person tutoring and
support. It is accounts for prior learning and uses trauma-informed methods. The curriculum is
highly personalized and allows students to learn at their own pace and speed. Currently the K-
12 students are aged 4-29 in four locations across two countries. Click here to receive updates
from the Jacksons.

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Laurie & John Lopez

Medellin, Colombia • WorldVenture

We are focused on Bible and English classes via Zoom, mentoring and counseling individuals via Whatsapp, and John’s seminary classes, plus occasional preaching opportunities. COVID restrictions are limiting in-person mentoring with kids in Medellin at the present time. Prayers would be much appreciated for John's green card, Laurie’s visa, and our situation during this pandemic.

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Dwayne and Helen Rainwater

West Africa • Pioneer Bible Translators

Dwayne and Helen are working with local friends to translate the Bible and other materials into the language of one of the larger unreached people groups in West Africa as part of Pioneer Bible Translators.


John & Sonya Rygh

Portland, OR • CRU

John & Sonya have worked with Cru for over 25 years and have five children. Their passion is to help start new spiritual movements on campuses around the world so everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.

Sonya is a Team Leader for the Portland Metro team and is giving leadership to over 20 campuses in the Metro area. She is also part of helping to resource high school students and ministries. She dreams of the day when all 268,000 students in the metro area have had the opportunity to hear the good news that brings life.

John gives national leadership to Cru’s internship program. The internship program is a one year full-time job with Cru where the intern is embedded on a local team. During that year they are exposed to hands on opportunities in personal evangelism and discipleship, leading small groups, launching ministries and an international missions experience giving them a chance to explore if God is calling them to full time ministry. With over 300 Cru interns across the country, this is an exciting opportunity to mobilize the next generation of leaders in the body of Christ.

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Secure International Staff

Jesus Film Project

Our missionary works with the Jesus Film Project, a ministry of Cru that uses film and media to bring the Gospel to every tribe, tongue, and touchscreen. He is serving on the team that travels internationally to record voice actors and digitally dub JESUS (a feature-length film on the story of Jesus’ life based on the gospel of Luke) and other films into the local language. The JESUS film has been dubbed into over 2,000 different languages, giving people groups from all over the world access to the Gospel in their heart language. He is also working alongside international partners and training them to record new languages in order to multiply this work.

Learn more about the Jesus Film Project.

Watch a short video about the impact that hearing Jesus speak their heart language is having on the Zo people group.

Watch the JESUS film.

You can also download the Jesus Film app on your mobile device to watch it in any of the 2000+ languages.

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Brendon and Naomi Yoder

Papua, Indonesia • Wycliffe Bible Translators

Brendon and Naomi Yoder, with their children Luke, Silas, and Analeigh, serve in Papua, Indonesia. They are helping translate the Bible into the Abawiri language. Additionally, Brendon is finishing up a PhD in linguistics so that he can assist other Bible translation projects throughout Indonesia.

Brendon’s trip to Indonesia in summer 2016 was a big success! He worked with the Abawiri community to design an alphabet, so now for the first time ever the language can be written down. The trip made the Yoders more eager to move back there again full-time.

Here is a short 4-minute video about the Abawiri workshop so that you can see the amazing doors that are opened through having an alphabet.

Enjoy the video here!
Read their blog