Join us Sundays
We gather every week at 9am and 10:45am to experience God through worship and a relevant and practical Bible-centered message. Below you’ll find some information about what you can expect when joining us on Sunday.

Sunday Gatherings
9am and 10:45am
We gather each week to experience God as a large community and all of our services feature the same live music and teaching.
- First, service kicks off with a few songs. If you don’t know the words, no sweat – we have them on the screen for you.
- Next, we update everyone on what’s happening around our church.
- After that, one of our pastors will come up and share a relevant and practical Bible-centered message.
- Finally, we take communion together and sing a couple more songs. Communion is available to anyone who follows Jesus Christ – you don’t need to be baptized or a member of our church to participate.

Getting Here
13600 SW Allen Blvd.
Our building is located in Beaverton on SW Allen Blvd. just to the east of Murray Blvd. Entrances to our parking lot are on Menlo Drive and Wilson Avenue. If you're taking TriMet, we are conveniently located right on the #88 bus route.
Get Directions
BCC Kids
We have fun, dynamic experiences available at our 9am and 10:45am service for your children. All kids, birth through fifth grade, experience safe and fun environments where they can grow in relationship with their friends, leaders, and God. The Bible is taught in creative and relevant ways for your child’s age and development.
We would love for your family to join us at BCC Kids! When you arrive, just head down the stairs to the check-in area and we will gladly assist you to get your child checked in to their class. We will enter your child’s name, birthdate, and any allergy information into our system in order to print a secure name tag and parent code. You will also be given a Connection Card so we can gather your family’s basic information. At the end of the service, bring your parent code sticker back to your child's classroom to pick up your child.
For more information, including details on our check-in process and safety, check out BCC Kids.
Learn about BCC Kids
During our 10:45am service, we offer our Middle School program in our students room, a large gathering space just down the main hallway past the auditorium. Your 6th, 7th, and 8th graders get to participate in an experience consisting of fun games, energizing music, relevant teaching, and relational connection. If you're looking for the students room, one of our Guest Service volunteers would be happy to show you the way!
Our High School students meet every Wednesday night at 6:30pm. On Sundays we encourage high school students to join their parents in our auditorium for main services.
Learn about BCC Students