Ministry Partner Update - Joe & Carole Hoover

We have been making a difference in West Africa as literacy and development consultants for 23 years.
Right now we are working to translate the most widely used healthcare manual in the world, “Where There is No Doctor,” into a language spoken by millions of under-resourced people in West Africa. Thanks to the amazing grass-roots literacy movement in this language, putting this book in the hands of the literate traditional healers who work in these villages will be transformative!
We have also introduced lending library trunks in West African villages. Even though literacy is growing, most villagers do not have access to books in their language, and they could never afford to buy many. Fifteen libraries have been planted so far and our goal is to distribute libraries so that there is at least one for all fifty counties in the region. Each trunk contains about three hundred books in the local language, and it presently costs about $1000 to plant one library. Our collaboration with local leaders and YOUR partnership with us, is changing lives for the better in West Africa!
We are grateful for your faithful prayers and support.
Joe & Carole

Find out more about our organization, International Literacy and Development. If you would like to donate directly toward our project, you can do so here. (Select H2017 or West Africa Libraries). Thank you!