A Note from Shari Swanson

Today is Good Friday. Come Sunday, we will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. He not only conquered the grave, but He gave us access to the Holy of Holies!
If you know much about the tabernacle established by God through Moses, you know that it is divided into three areas: the outer court, the holy place and the Holy of Holies place. Any Israelite could enter the outer court as long as he brought his sacrifice, but only priests were allowed into the holy place. The Holy of Holies place was reserved for the high priest and could only be entered once a year.
Between the two different holy places, there was a heavy curtain that is thought to have been 60 feet long, 30 feet tall and 4 inches thick separating them. The intent of the design was to exclude almost everyone. Do you know what happened to the curtain when Jesus took His last breath on the cross? Three of the gospels (Luke, Mark and Matthew) tell us, but here’s Matthew 27:50-51a: “And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.”
I remember when I first read that verse after I had studied the tabernacle and it really blew my mind! As far as I am concerned, the only way that thick and large curtain could be torn in two was by the hand of God. Upon Jesus’ death, the curtain that was designed to keep people out of the Holy of Holies was gone. Everyone was then allowed access to God. We connect with Him now through prayer and reading His Word.
We want to invite you to take advantage of this access by joining us for 21 Days of Prayer, beginning Monday, April 10. We are suggesting that you fast and pray, but we also know many of you were fasting for Lent and may not want to continue. We totally respect that, but do ask you to join us in praying. You can download the guide here: beaverton.cc/21-days-of-prayer. We will also have printed ones available on Sunday. Can you imagine what could happen if an entire church was praying together?? I am excited to find out; are you?
Shari Swanson
Care Ministries Lead