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Pray Again

October 10, 2021 • Marty Miranda • It's A New Day

A primary theme of scripture is a demonstration of God’s commitment to redeem, restore, and renew the things in our lives that have been hurt, damaged, and broken. Our pastor of students Marty Miranda teaches through Psalm 126:4.

Psalm 126:4 - “Restore our fortunes, Lord, as streams renew the desert”

Our life is full of things we can’t do on our own.

Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’

Luke 18:4
“For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’ ”

Luke 18:6
And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

We pray again, trusting God with what we can’t do.

We pray again with confidence and patience, expecting a two way dialogue, not a one way monologue.

We pray again, knowing if God is silent, that doesn’t mean He is absent.

Hebrews 11:13
“All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth.”